I can't believe I ate the whole thing...

Friday, August 26, 2005

...and now I'm full

So, I never thought I'd post to a blog so often, I kind of thought it would look something like this blog which uses the user name I wanted. Anyway, mad props and many thanks to Jess for forcing me to do this...
This is two times in a row that she's forced me to do something that some good has come of it! Maybe I should listen more often and drag my feet less. So, all I really have to do is learn how to get my feet out of the sand and open my ears up...

Anyway, true meaning of this post. I'm struggling with financial decisions. Basically just one. I'm looking into the whole tithing part of my faith. I know we're called to give 10% back to the Lord's work, but, what counts? I know I should be a good steward and give freely, and I want to and plan to do so, I just need to seek guidance from God as to where to give my finances to. My thinking was something along these lines, and seems to me to be a valid idea: Split the tithe into 3 approximately equal parts; give one to my local Church to continue the operations there in developing the spiritual lives of its members, give one to a Domestic Missionary so that they are financially supported in their decision to follow God in the style of Matthew 10:9-10, and give one to an International Missionary to continue the spreading of the Gospel around the world. My biggest hang up, though, is whether one is enough. For example, should I split my ~3% for International Missionaries among 3 different people, giving each 1%? I figure doing that would bless more people, but may not be as big of a blessing as giving to just one person. Add to that the fact that I don't know the biggest needs of the missionaries and it gives me more to think about.

Comments are surely welcome and appreciated...

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

...but it was tasty!

So, last night was difficult...I couldn't fall asleep. So I'm tired today. Tack on to that that I have a meeting at 1 this afternoon to give progress on this project...eek.

Anyway, it appears as though the rumors are true, and Google has opened up an IM client, called Google Talk. So far, I haven't been able to talk to anyone, since noone I know is online. But I'm one of the first users, and I can see some potential, but I think it could use some work too. I don't like the look of the window, and I don't like how uncustomizable it is. But maybe that will come with time. I think the right-click menu of the task bar icon could use some more features, such as a direct link to the properties. And I'm not sure what the search box is for, but I'm sure I'll find out.

All in all, I'm excited about this service, and wait patiently until more people become able to use it, so I can see it's full functionality. I like it's tie-in to my contacts list (I just tried to search for the word "hello" and it brought up contacts that began with He as I typed, with the ability to Invite), and how you can talk by IM, EMail, and Virtual Phone from the same client. We'll see how it all comes together!

Back to work!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

...and now I'm feeling uncomfortable...

Darn overstuffed feeling accompanied by heartburn...
So, while I'm excited about this new job (as many have told me, I'm a developer at heart, and it'll be hard to get away from it), I can't help but feel like I'm letting people down. I think about the faculty here that have invested into me in one way or another. I think about my responsabilities to the college, and can't help but feel like I'm leaving with unfinished business. I feel especially like I'm letting J.V. down, for some crazy reason, as well as D.N., since he brought me in the middle of the year and gave me my massive financial aid, along with the recommendations to keep me in school. Lastly, I think about the one or two kids that I could have actually touched and made a difference in their lives.
On the other hand, I can't deny the fact that I have dreaded the classroom ever since the first few observations, and I like the idea of choosing my own hours and creating software for such a worthy cause. If I think about the massive number of lives I could help improve by creating this software, it makes me feel better. Maybe that's my antacid...

Monday, August 22, 2005

...but I did.

I was hungry. So I ate. And ate. And ate. But the quote is just Homer Simpson...I think I may be more intelligent than he is...
But maybe I'm wrong. Anyway, I dinner was good. Jess makes good pie crust, but the empa-things were better with ground beef...or from that place on Greenview Rd. Mmmmm....empa-things...
Uh-oh...qwijibo on the loose!